Thursday, May 5, 2011

Nearing the End and GRATEFUL

We are nearing the END of this whole fiasco, and it has been more of an EMOTIONAL circus
to say the least! I have had days that I CRY myself to sleep and days that I get up and
know that this is my situation and I can EMBRACE it a bit more. I have to say that
on the days that are just plain CRAP, I have an AMAZING support team behind
me that REMIND me of everything that I have been through and have
CHANGED, for that I am most GRATEFUL! I look at Life in general in a
completely different light. When I laugh I REALLY laugh,
When I get notes from my kids it TOUCHES me deeper than before,
When we all snuggle in my bed I am able to let go of everything
else and ENJOY my kids a bit more! Things are just DIFFERENT, in a mostly positive way:)
I have learned so much about MYSELF in this process as well, how your subconscious
is naturally DRAWN to certain personality types based on your EXPERIENCES as a child.
It has been so educational for so many reasons!
I am ME and I am glad to be ME!
It has been far too long since I could say that about myself, but there is
no going back, not EVER again! I am def grateful that I know
What I know now. I dont sit and stew about what went WRONG, and
WHY me anymore. Those have all been ANSWERED in one way
or another. I know I dont say it ENOUGH, but THANK YOU to everyone
That has been there for me, you TRULY dont understand what it has
MEANT to me. You know Who you ARE!

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