Tuesday, February 8, 2011


So this week I have been draggin!! Last week I was on a roll, getting crap done and feeling good doing it! This week? not so much. In fact the 30th was my anniversary, 13 years, and i tried to just stay busy with some good friends to not think about it so much. Dont know what is harder the fact that its 13 whole years or that I lost out on something that I put soooooo much time and energy into. I realize that I was not a perfect wife, nobody is, but I do know that I know I fought a good fight and in the end THAT is where I get my peace. I know that I did all I could to make it work, even though it didnt go my way. I have lost out on too many things during this process, but have gained so much as well. I have really gotten to know ME, and I realized that I dont need anyone else to reassure me that who I am is enough.
I had a dream last week, I have VERY vivid and used to be mostly stressful dreams, and I went to petsmart to pick out a lizard to accompany my boys pet chameleon. And as I was looking in all the small glass tanks a catapillar caught my eye, it was the exact one from ALICE and WONDERLAND!! He was plump and colorful and smoking a pipe, of course! He even had the little hands and boots on his feet! It really was CRAZY!! Anyway in this dream, I debated on buying him, WHY u ask? Because I didnt know what kind of Butterfly he would be!! So you can look at this crazy dream as just a crazy dream, but since my dreams usually coincide with my emotions and what chaos is going on, it seems to me that is a fear of mine. What if I end up the same way after another marriage? What if I think the person I marry is all the colorful wonderful things and ends up to be all show? Scares the CRAP out of me! I have had very few family members in this position, and of course not this EXACT one, and they end up in the mirror image of the first one!
Maybe I shouldn't even think too much on it. I want my kids to grow up and see that their dad and I are happy, even if we aren't together and happy. They deserve to see me with someone that calls me during the day because he just has 5 mins to make me laugh, and someone to giggle in bed over super lame things that only we would find hilarious. They deserve to know the difference in a happy healthy relationship, I just wish they didnt have to learn this way.


Shannon said...

Hang in there EM... there is someone! Do what you know is right and you will be blessed.

Jamie said...

Sorry Emily! That had to have been a HARD week. And they are out there....I was lucky enough to find two of them!

Kendra and Nathan said...

Seriously, I can't imagine the mental acrobatics you must go through trying to find what part of your instincts that you should follow in re-entering the dating world. But I think the fact that you are being thoughtful and careful is a really promising direction. You deserve to feel the next man is as committed to you and your marriage as you are. Love you Em!

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